Name: H.R. (Herbert Raymond) McMaster 
Nickname: The Iconoclast General
Born: July 24, 1962 in Philadelphia
Profession: United States Army Lieutenant General 1984- present. His positions included including planning and operations roles in Iraq (1999-2002) and commanding the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment when it was deployed for its second tour in Iraq and was assigned the mission of securing the city of Tal Afar (2004-2006). He was also part of an elite team of officers advising US commander General David Petraeus on counterinsurgency operations (August 2007 to August 2008) and Deputy to the Commander for Planning, at ISAF (International Security Assistance Forces) Headquarters in Kabul, Afghanistan (2010-2012). Trump/Pence Administration position: National Security Adviser until April 6, 2018
War Crime Charge/s:
An April 2017 article on The Libertarian Institute’s site describes an interview of Col. Arnaldo Claudio, a retired senior U.S. Military Police officer who served as 18th Airborne Corps Provost Marshal and Chief of Police of the Multinational Coalition Forces in Iraq in 2005. “'Detainees were abused at Tal Afar (in April 2005) under orders and command and control of H.R. McMaster,' said Col. Arnaldo Claudio…. who served as 18th Airborne Corps Provost Marshal and Chief of Police of the Multinational Coalition Forces in Iraq in 2005.... Claudio and his team reported.... information and recommendations to the commanding general, dedicating a portion of their report to details of then-U.S. Army Col. McMaster’s violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Detainee Operations Standard Operating Procedures found at Tal Afar.... Claudio and his investigative team traveled to Tal Afar to investigate further, where they discovered detainees were held in conditions that were both shocking and illegal. Detainees were being deprived of food and water for days while bound together with plastic handcuffs. Hundreds were also being held without shelter... In a detention camp designed to hold 250 detainees, Col. McMaster held over 900 people in brutal conditions, left outdoors without food, water, or shelter from the sun in their own feces and urine."
More Information:
4-10-06 The Lesson of Tal Afar
2-19-18 McMaster of War