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1   Link   ACLU Accountability for Torture
We can't sweep the abuses of the last eight years under the rug. Accountability for torture is a legal, political, and moral imperative.
2   Link   American Empire Project
Americans have long believed that the very notion of empire is an offense against our democratic heritage, yet in recent months, these two words -- American empire -- have been on everyone's lips. At this moment of unprecedented economic and military strength, the leaders of the United States have embraced imperial ambitions openly. How did we get to this point? And what lies down the road?
3   Link   Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all.

Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world - so we work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity.

We have more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries and regions and we coordinate this support to act for justice on a wide range of issues.
4   Link   The Center for Constitutional Rights
The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.
5   Link   Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
New York University School of Law has long been at the forefront of scholarly work on civil liberties and human rights. In 2002, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice was established to bring together and expand the rich array of teaching, research, clinical, internship, and publishing activities undertaken within the Law School on issues of international human rights law.
6   Link   Close Guantánamo
War Criminals Watch advisor Andy Worthington has helped launch this "Close Guantánamo" campaign and website. For the 10th anniversary of the opening of the “war on terror” prison at Guantánamo Bay, a group of prominent lawyers and retired military personnel are calling on President Obama to honor the promise he made in Jan. 2009 to close the prison.
7   Link   Criminal Prosecution and Accountability
Add your organization or individual name to joint statement requesting a Special Prosecutor. Ask organizations you're in touch with to sign on. The demand for prosecution has been supported by many members of Congress.
8   Link   Eradicating Ecocide
Ecocide is “loss or damage to, or destruction of ecosystem(s) of a given territory(ies), such that peaceful enjoyment by the inhabitants has been or will be severely diminished.”

The purpose for creating the offence of Ecocide as an International Crime Against Peace is to put in place a top level international crime, creating a legal ‘duty of care’ for all inhabitants that have been or are at risk of being seriously harmed to prevent, prohibit and pre-empt both ecological and climate ecocide.
9   Link   FireJohnYoo
This blog is a project of THE WORLD CAN'T WAIT!
10   Link   George W. Bush, War Criminal?
Is George W. Bush a war criminal for deliberately violating the Geneva Conventions? Can he be prosecuted when he leaves office on January 20, 2009? The answers are found in Michael Haas’s George W. Bush, War Criminal? The Bush Administration’s Liability for 269 War Crimes, which documents 269 war crimes and assesses the culpability of Bush and his administration.

The author, Michael Haas, has written more than thirty books, most recently International Human Rights: A Comprehensive Introduction (2008). A well-known political scientist, he played a key role in stopping American funding of the Khmer Rouge. His book exposing Singapore’s many human rights violations is banned in that authoritarian country.
11   Link   The Guantánamo Blog
From the Law Office of H. Candace Gorman.
12   Link   The Guantánamo Docket - NY Times
The Guantánamo Docket is an interactive database of Pentagon documents and New York Times research regarding 779 men who have been detained at Guantánamo as enemy combatants since January 2002.
13   Link   Guantanamo Testimonials Project
The goals of this project are to gather testimonies of prisoner abuse in Guantánamo, to organize them in meaningful ways, to make them widely available online, and to preserve them there in perpetuity.

14   Link   In the Name of Democracy: American War Crimes in Iraq and Beyond
A fantastic resource available in full on-line here and/or for purchase. Offers extensive in-depth research on US war crimes.
15   Link   Indefinite Detention
ACLU has dedicated this website to a focus on indefinite detention.
16   Link   National Lawyers Guild
The National Lawyers Guild is an association dedicated to the need for basic change in the structure of our political and economic system. We seek to unite the lawyers, law students, legal workers and jailhouse lawyers of America in an organization that shall function as an effective political and social force in the service of the people, to the end that human rights shall be regarded as more sacred than property interests.

Our aim is to bring together all those who recognize the importance of safeguarding and extending the rights of workers, women, farmers, people with disabilities and people of color, upon whom the welfare of the entire nation depends; who seek actively to eliminate racism; who work to maintain and protect our civil rights and liberties in the face of persistent attacks upon them; and who look upon the law as an instrument for the protection of the people, rather than for their repression.
17   Link   New Security Action
After eight long years of the failed Bush/Cheney approach, the American people want to see a safer, saner foreign policy.
18   Link   No More Guantánamos
No More Guantánamos is a national, grassroots effort to build public
support—community by community—for closing Guantánamo Bay prison with justice and for ensuring a fair legal process for detainees at Bagram air base in Afghanistan and other offshore U.S. detention centers around the
19   Link   North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture
The North Carolina Commission of Inquiry on Torture (NCCIT) is a non-profit organization dedicated to investigating and establishing public accountability for the role that North Carolina's government and state resources played in helping to facilitate the U.S. torture program. The NCCIT established a blue-ribbon panel of policy experts, academics, and community leaders to do the job their government refuses to do: investigate North Carolina’s involvement in the U.S. torture program, prevent it from happening again, and make North Carolina a leader against torture.
20   Link   Paradise Cove
A full service film production and activist news network.
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War Criminals Watch is a project of World Can't Wait