By Curt Weschler
From World Can't Wait | Original Article

The ruling class faced fresh challenges to political legitimacy last week with the murder, by police, of two more men of color struggling to subsist within a brutal system of repression and dispossession. Public outrage over the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile was substantial, spontaneous and determined. Government response to national protest action has been two-fold: intimidation of participants with militarized police forces, and fabrication of a false "security" paradigm — that suspension of civil rights is sometimes necessary, even desirable.
NO! We reject the lies sponsoring government pretension of acting in the public interest. The Obama administration would have you blame a "lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve" for the slaughter of unarmed victims by trigger happy cops. How can there be trust when justice is never served, when the world has to watch video after video of murder by police of unarmed Black people?

1,000 protesters, mainly high school students, snarled traffic on major streets in downtown Chicago Monday. Photo: @soit_goes
It is a beautiful thing that people across the country are continuing to demand justice and an end to police terror in the streets. And looking beyond the man-made borders of this country, we recognize that American lives are not more precious or deserving than others. Black lives matter. Non-American lives matter. The gratuitous violence visited on people all over the world must be repudiated, and stopped. This will require a committed core of truth-tellers with the means to project a dissembly of politics-as-usual. World Can't Wait has a plan to accomplish just that; a Call (see sidebar), and a group of volunteers dedicated to projecting that vision.

Help bring the message that Humanity and the Planet Come First to the streets of Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention. Spread the word, donate to enable others to travel and produce the banners, display materials and fliers that will help propagate the message that the Crimes Of Our Government Must Stop! Frankly, without World Can't Wait this message will not get out during the coronation of certified war-criminal Hillary Clinton — and once again the people of the world who suffer most as a result of this country's actions will be left out of the picture.

Be a part of bringing the anti-war message when the War Party meets in Philadelphia. Join with World Can't Wait and cosponsors KnowDrones, Brandywine Peace Community, the Philadelphia Area Anti-Drone Network and CodePink along with endorsers Green Party of Philadelphia, Manhattan Green Party, NYC Metro Raging Grannies, NY Granny Peace Brigade and the Bill of Rights Defense Committee. Sunday, July 24 ►Noon starting at Philadelphia City Hall On the eve of the DNC connect with World Can't Wait at the March for a Climate Revolution. March with the Peace & Environmental Justice Contingent. We will be gathering under the "Humanity and the Planet Come First" banners. Look for our model drones! For information on the march and transportation visit: ►World Can't Wait Orientation Meeting at 6pm location TBA Join World Can't Wait volunteers in discussing the importance of bringing the anti-war message during the DNC, what our approach for the week will be, and how you can be involved. Light refreshments will be served. Monday, July 25 — Thursday, July 28 ►Daily: Anti-War Truth Displays 10:30 am - 2:30 pm Arch St. United Methodist Church at Broad & Arch Join World Can't Wait and participating organizations in presenting Anti-War Truth Displays. Clearly and visually protest the U.S. campaign of targeted killing and special operations in seven countries, run by a Democratic administration. Our work will be based out of the Arch Street United Methodist Church just north of City Hall, from where we will display model drones, do outreach to protests happening at City Hall and spread out to the community. Join & share the Facebook event! Monday, July 25 ►Outreach in FDR Park 4pm - 7pm Talk with the thousands of Bernie supporters coming to fight for the issues they thought Bernie was going to stand on. Ask them to stick to their principles and get active in opposing the US war on the world. Wednesday, July 27th ►Anti-War Speak-Out 4pm - 7pm Southside of Second Bank (420 Chestnut St.) With global attention on what happens at the DNC it's up to us make sure there is opportunity for people to speak-out against the U.S. "war on the world" that has been waged for the past almost 8 years under a Democratic Commander in Chief. We are going to use this space to show attendees and people around the world that that there are people living in this country who represent another way, giving them heart, courage and common cause. Bring your music, poems, and rage.