9-21-11 Day Four of War Criminal Protests in NYC Print

From War Criminals Watch organizers:

While many world leaders were uptown at the United Nations, George W.

Bush appeared with other leaders and former leaders of the "free" world at a private

think-tank bash about the "global fight against extremism." His fellow

speakers, including Uribe, Saakashvili and a Saudi prince were perhaps

deciding how the Bush regime's "global war on terror" can be continued

under a prettier name, although some would argue that Barack Obama has

already solved that problem by re-branding it the "overseas contingency

operation." Also speaking was John Negroponte, former Bush Ambassador to

Iraq and Director of National Intelligence and also on our list of war criminals.

The September 20th confab was the premier event of the

Concordia Summit at the Ritz Carlton in Battery Park City.

Seven protesters braved pouring rain to greet the motorcades as they pulled

up to the new hotel, very close to the former WTC site. We were

disappointed at the small numbers, but nevertheless, hotel security

acted as if we were a big threat to the ability of the conference attendees to

think at all about how to solidify US domination of the planet. We are

glad to report that our informal poll of NYC cab drivers – carried out

merely by holding signs saying "prosecute George Bush" – shows that nine out

of 10 of them are definitely against war crimes.